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Mi foto
It's good to hear your voice,I hope you're doing fine and if you ever wonder I'm lonely here tonight.Lost here in this moment and time keeps slipping by and if I could have just one wish I'd have you by my side.I miss you...I need you...I love you more than I did before and if today I don't see your face nothing's changed,no one can take your place;It gets harder everyday.Say you love me more than you did before,and I'm sorry it's this way but I'm coming home,I'll be coming home and if you ask me I will stay.I try to live without you,the tears fall from my eyes,I'm alone and I feel empty,God I'm torn apart inside.I look up at the stars hoping your doing the same,somehow I feel closer and I can hear you say "I miss you... I need you". And I love you more than I did before and if today I don't see your face, nothing's changed,no one can take your place;It gets harder everyday.Say you love me more than you did before and I'm sorry that it's this way but I'm coming home,I'll be coming home and if you ask me I will stay.Always stay,I never wanna lose you and if I had to I would chose you. So stay,please always stay,you're the one that I hold onto,cause my heart would stop without you.

viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010

Every second counts.

Te quiero cuando tienes frío estando a 21º.
Adoro la arruga que se te forma en la frente cuando me miras como si estuvieses loco.

Te quiero cuando después de pasar el día contigo mi ropa huele a tu perfume y quiero que seas la persona con la que hable antes de dormirme por las noches. Y eso no es porque esté sola ni tampoco porque sea Nochevieja.

He escrito ésto aquí esta noche porque cuando te das cuenta de que quieres pasar el resto de tu vida con alguien, deseas que el resto de tu vida empiece lo antes posible.

3 comentarios:

  1. 'cuando te das cuenta de que quieres pasar el resto de tu vida con alguien, deseas que el resto de tu vida empiece lo antes posible.' Esa Frase me encanta(:
    Un beso!

  2. :) que cierto!!!! Qué bonito es el amor, amar y ser correspondido... no hay nada igual :D MUA!

    Feliz añooo!!!

  3. Es precioso el texto! Un besazo y feliz 2011:)
